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KMS 360

Algorex offers a softwood lumber kiln monitoring and optimization service called KMS 360, which consists of :

✔ Continuous process monitoring (24/7)
▪ Automated analysis, anomaly detection and notifications
▪ Weekly performance report

✔ Expert review and analysis
▪ Anomaly analysis
▪ Incident report with recommendations

✔ Expert help upon request
▪ Specialized analytical toolbox
▪ Support and validation of the solution during its implementation


David Hamel, Clermond Hamel

Kiln monitoring and optimization service 
Objective of the service:
  • Maintain product quality
  • Improve kiln dryer productivity
  • Provide quick and easy access to wood drying process experts
  • Support kiln operator

Anomaly Detection and Monitoring 

At Algorex, we have developed nearly a hundred algorithms that monitor signals from your kiln dryers 24/7. Using these algorithms, we are able to notify you when your drying process is not operating according to optimal parameters. We also have a team of analysts and drying experts who monitor your data throughout the day to detect any anomalies within your process. An anomaly can be a broken sensor, a bad drying schedule, a lack of air circulation (vent/ventilation), a problem with steam pressure and more. Our team supports your operations to ensure maximum productivity and quality in your drying operations.

Our team has also developed innovative productivity and quality key process indicators for dryers. These indicators are used for monitoring, but also for tracking trends to show you the evolution of your performance in our generated weekly and quarterly reports.

In short, our purpose is to support you with cutting-edge technology and world-class drying expertise to allow you to be in control of your process at all times.

Expert Review, Diagnosis and Optimization

At Algorex, we are fortunate to have a very solid partnership with FPInnovations. This partnership gives us access to world-class experts in wood drying. This is how we can help you when you have specific requests (special drying schedule, purchase of new equipment, complex problems, loading logistics, etc.) we can support you and bring you to a higher level of performance for the process of drying.

This proximity of our experts brings a deep understanding of your operations and allows them to develop recommendations very specific to your mode of operation. This privileged access is also a powerful continuous training tool for your operators and supervisors, they can consult our experts during critical decisions and have peace of mind.


For more information about us, any of our projects, or our website, please contact us: